While searching Craigslist for an end table for my living room, I came across this ad. I'm disappointed that I don't need this table, because I really want to give it a home.
Fetching little parsons table - $45 (noe valley)
Date: 2010-03-12, 8:21PM PST
Reply to: sale-uy4vj-1641780622@craigslist.org
Are you looking for a table that has both a flat surface and four legs?
Look no further!
I have just such a table.
This makes a handsome coffee table, end table (depending on your furniture), or perhaps a good surface for your TV. It is wooden--actual wood, not IKEA style--and painted white. The table itself is in excellent condition. There are some insignificant marks on the paint on the tabletop. If they bother you, or you want a bolder color, it would be easy to repaint it.
28" square, 19.75" h.
I'd keep it myself, but I've replaced some other furniture and it no longer suits the room. It would be happy to come live with you. No; it didn't actually tell me so, but it has an eager look about it.